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Blog | Let's Get Personal With Rebecca Chalson


Let's Talk About The Risk Of Losing True Connection

May 26, 20233 min read

Let's Talk About The Risk Of Losing True Connection In An Era Of Accelerated Communication...

Let's face it: we live in a world where we're connected more than ever before. We can message people on the other side of the world in seconds, attend virtual meetings with colleagues across multiple time zones, and even date and make friends online. But, have you ever stopped to wonder, are we really connecting?

The irony of our accelerated communication era is that despite the constant connectivity, we're losing our sense of true connection. We're so focused on likes, views, and followers that we forget about the human connection that's essential to our mental health and happiness.

Research has shown that 52% of Americans report feeling lonely. 47% report their relationships with others aren't meaningful. 59% of Americans say they have a best friend, 12% say they feel they don't have any close friends. 58% of Americans reported that they sometimes or always feel like no one knows them well. I personally found this NPR article with 6 steps for how our society can address these rising concerns to be especially interesting.

Needless to say, it's no secret that loneliness is a growing epidemic. We're more isolated and disconnected than ever before, even though we're communicating more than ever. We've been conditioned to believe that having hundreds or thousands of virtual friends and followers equals true connection, but the truth is, nothing can replace a genuine, face-to-face human interaction.

Don't get me wrong, technology isn't to blame here. It's our misuse and over-dependence on it that's causing the problem. I have personally become increasingly aware of my need to stop scrolling on my phone before I go to bed at night as well as when I wake up first thing in the morning. Replacing habitual activities like these with those that feed my soul and re-center my mind would certainly be healthier and contribute to more restful sleep and a recharged sense of motivation every day. Doing yoga, reading a book, writing affirmations or thoughts of gratitude would be great alternatives.

It's time to start prioritizing the human connection and meaningful conversations. Especially in the moments of loneliness. It's time to be proactive and reach out to friends and family, having real conversations, and engaging in activities that bring us together. Let's use technology as a tool to enhance our connections, not replace them. Let's use it to make plans, set reminders, and keep in touch with those who matter most. But most importantly, let's remember to put the screens down, have a cup of coffee with an old friend, and truly connect.

In conclusion, let's remember that true connection isn't about the number of followers or likes you have online. It's about the time you spend with loved ones, the conversations you have, and the memories you create. Let's start being intentional about our interactions and prioritize the human connection. Together, we can combat the loneliness epidemic and create a more connected world.

(Pssst... Let's keep this conversation going. I would love to know your thoughts on this topic in the comments, and I will be sure to respond!)

#CreateYourPotential#LonelinessEpidemic#HumanConnection#MeaningfulConversations#MentalHealthMatters#ConnectionOverLikes#VirtualConnections #OvercomingLoneliness#RealConversations#ProactiveLiving#PrioritizeRelationships
🔹Helping Leaders Lead & Businesses Grow🔹Bestselling Author🔹Keynote Speaker

Rebecca Chalson

🔹Helping Leaders Lead & Businesses Grow🔹Bestselling Author🔹Keynote Speaker

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